Tired of Sore Feet from Standing All Day? Try These Tips!

It’s no secret that standing on your feet all day can be exhausting. Whether you’re a nurse, a retail worker, or a restaurant server, it’s likely that you’re well acquainted with the aches and pains that come with prolonged periods of standing. But fear not! There are ways to alleviate those aches and pains and keep your feet feeling fresh. In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips to help you survive those long shifts and keep your feet happy.

Invest in comfortable shoes

The most important thing you can do for your feet is to give them the right support. It’s worth investing in a pair of comfortable shoes that fit well and provide the proper arch support, cushioning, and protection. Look for shoes that are specifically designed for people who are on their feet all day and avoid high heels or shoes that are too tight.

Take breaks and stretch

When you’re on your feet all day, it’s important to take regular breaks to stretch your legs and feet. Plan your breaks beforehand and use them to do gentle stretches that target your feet and legs. Stretching before and after work can also help prevent stiffness and soreness.

Use supportive insoles

If you’re on a budget and can’t invest in new shoes, you can still improve the comfort of your existing footwear by using supportive insoles. They can provide the additional cushioning and arch support your feet need to last through long work shifts. We recommend our NEW Everyday insole. 

Keep yourself hydrated

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help reduce swelling in your feet and prevent dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your body retains fluids, which can lead to swollen feet and ankles. Staying hydrated can also help prevent leg cramps and muscle fatigue, making it easier to get through long shifts.

Elevate your feet

If you’re able to, take a few minutes to elevate your feet above your heart during your breaks. This can help reduce swelling in your feet and promote blood flow, which can help reduce fatigue and soreness.

Standing all day can be tough on your feet. However, following these simple tips can help make it a little bit easier. With the right footwear, stretches, insoles, and hydration, you can reduce the aches and pains that come with prolonged periods of standing. Remember to take care of your feet, and they’ll take care of you!


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